Life is full of so many experiences that can help us move to another level in our lives. In times of pearl and judgement of ourselves, we neglect ourselves leaving our higher self left open for scrutiny. When we take the time to slow down and listen through those times, we open ourselves to emotional healing and stability. Thus ensuring a more safe and sense of security within ourselves. For no one can tell us who we are if we already know.

‘N’Spirational Motivation

How do you ‘N’Spiyer yourself?

What are you searching for?

Taking time out to really examine what life looks like for you is a way to understand some of the things you like and don’t like. Giving yourself time and space to allow for thoughts to flow and journaling them out can help you get a better view of what is missing, what needs to be changed or what needs to be removed to create the life that brings you the most joy. Be Curious.

Are you ready to move to the next phase of your life?

Preparing yourself for the next phase is always in motion whether we see it or not. Life just throws so much at us, that we get impatient and just want answers, in turn getting to a point of forcing and frustration. Its like starting to cook a meal, you are hungry for said meal, as you are cooking your stomach is growling but your meat is still raw and the veg is still hard. Now would you take that food off and just start eating? Typically, you wait till all the goodness is added, the love is sprinkled in, with a side of delicious tenderness and care. When the time is right, you then indulge in said meal. Well, life is like a drawn out meal that we are adding different componets to make it the most delicious and digestable meal we can. If you won’t eat that raw meat and undercooked veg, then don’t stay in toxic relationships or situations that arent digestable for you. We have to be ready to move to that next phase or we will make ourselves sick and unhappy. Asking yourself why are you where you are? What is being reflected back to me in these situations? Am I facing my truths or avoiding them? Sending love to yourself through this process as it can cause an emotional upset at times. Coping skills will come in handy for this.

How do you take time out from life?

What do you actually do for yourself. I know for me, I was thinking all that time giving of myself was doing for myself. When I sat back and took time for myself, I realized that, I wasn’t meeting my needs and I was giving of myself in ways i honestly didn’t think was not so good at the time. What have you been doing that may be causing a disconnect within yourself? Honesty and candidness is needed now for you to work toward emotional health and security. Being honest is being vulnerable and gentle with yourself. Be Curious.

Becoming yourself…

When Finding out who you really are, it can come as a shock to some and a ah ha for others. Either way it can be fun if you take the time to understand each layer of who you are becoming. Returning to your wholeness is the goal. At least I hope so anyway. Listening to yourself and allowing yourself to be heard, helps you understand what thoughts and feelings are yours and what belongs to other people. For example, Men, Men have adopted a belief that they should not show emotion. Is that what all men really feel or is it a beleif that was passed down from generation to generation and now it’s embedded in their DNA. When we start to break cycles within ourselves we open ourselves up to our truth. That can be scary due to the fact that not everyone will agree with your truths. The question is, can you handle that? Can you take that someone may have an opinion about the way you live your life? Are you ok opening up and becoming vulnerable and allowing people to ‘see’ you? Understanding what is important for your growth is crutial. Thinking of yourself in a way that brings happiness and love into your life will help your perception change and the allowance of energy to release and flow. Become curious, be free and just be.

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